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Necessary school stuff

Monday 9th

09.09.2013 13:41
6.D Say what do you help with at home, and how often.            7.A Speak about your holiday - say where you were, what you had with you and how you travelled there            4.C revise verb to be forms - zopakovat tvary slovesa být            7.C speak about your holiday where you were, how was it what you had with you ...

Friday 6th September

08.09.2013 11:22
4.C finish reading the Animal Shelter story at https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-animal-shelter            6.D Prepare s ahort speaking about your free time - what you do, when you do it, how many times a week ... Just a short speaking            7.A Prepare a short speaking about what things you needed for your holiday  

Thursday 5th September

05.09.2013 20:41
4.C Prepare a short speaking about yourself             6.D prepare a short speaking about yourself             7.C prepare a short speaking about your holiday             7.A prepare a short speaking about your holiday

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ELTomTeacher@seznam.cz Skype:tomas.fiala1